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Friends of Bachman Lake Newsletter - May 2022

Writer's picture: Friends of Bachman LakeFriends of Bachman Lake

Updated: May 12, 2022

'Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.' -- Anthony J. D'Angelo


Many Thanks!

What a fitting way to continue Earth Day activities, as neighbors, friends and a host of groups took to sprucing up Bachman Lake Park on April 23. Litter pickup and mulching dominated the activities on It's My Park Day while a show of force consisting of Girl Scouts, Park employees, Dallas Rowing Club, Friends of Bachman Lake and even State Senator Nathan Johnson helped spread mulch and lots of good fun!

Enjoy the Bachman Minute video below for some sights!


Along with Bike DFW and Preston Hollow Bike, Friends of Bachman Lake invites all cycling enthusiasts to come tune up those bikes. We will have local artist Ebony Lewis and our friends from the Dallas Public Library will be there to help you get a library card and inform you about summer programs. The City Hall-on-the-Go van will also participate.

Do you have a bike you can donate? If so, please contact:


Barging in!

Can you tell that we are really excited that dredging has begun?

This project is being managed by Dallas Water Utilities and they have a whole website dedicated to information on dredging and the dam reconstruction.

According to the timeline, by winter 2023 they should:

  • Complete Dam Rehabilitation Design and Advertisement for Bids

  • Complete Bachman Lake Dredging and Demobilization


Dallas Rowing Club offers lessons

While we're on the subject of water, here's a great reminder that the Dallas Rowing Club offers lessons for adults and youth. What's even better is that these lessons are free to DISD students! Learn more and register below. Lessons start soon!


"Dangerous and deadly" crossings need fixing!

We totally agree with this opinion piece by Ken Duble, published in the Dallas Morning News on April 5th! There are no sidewalks, pedestrian bridges or trails that help connect our neighborhoods to #bachmanlakepark, libraries or grocery stores. We can do better!



Even if cash registers don't make that sound anymore, we want to end on a positive note about money. It was so good to see that our pressing for City and County funds paid off! The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) noted the Major Capital Improvement Program (MCIP 7th call) approvals for key projects near and dear to our hearts.

The Bachman to Campion Trail Feasibility Study, funding of a Denton Dr complete street from Walnut Hill to Mockingbird and safe NW Highway crossings to the park are now all closer to reality with monetary backing. You too can read all the details of this technical memorandum.




Our monthly plogging event is every 2nd Saturday of the month! Picking up litter while jogging (or walking or cycling) is an easy way to stay healthy and keep the park looking great! Grab a bag, a friend and help make our recreational jewel shine! Check our events list for any changes.

The community has spoken and asked for the Meet and Greet be moved to 5PM. Hey, we're not ones to get in the way of a cold beer! See you for our ‘meeting of the minds’ at Bluffview Growler on the 4th  Wednesday of the month. No RSVP needed.


Do you want to join the mailing list? Are you already on the list and need to update your information? Just click on the link below!

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