Your lake. Your park.
Your voice.
Trail Blazers
Mobility, Biking, Trail Connectivity
The Trail Blazers are about connecting our green spaces and advocating for safe access and crossings to, from and through Bachman Lake Park. They form the team that spearheads biking and other events to promote safe mobility around the Bachman area. Members participate in city meetings, support biking the trail and connecting it to the broader system, signage, and promoting good park etiquette.
Friends of Bachman Lake has been working closely with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). This multi-governmental entity is developing a Bachman Area Planning Study which has used public feedback to draft a plan for improvements to how people get around in the area. NCTCOG is focused on plans for improvements to major thoroughfares and interchanges that directly affect the quality of life around Bachman Lake. You can help be the community's eyes and ears.
In addition, Friends of Bachman Lake continues to appeal to NCTCOG and the City for adequate funding in order to connect the various nearby trails and parks to each other. Trail Blazers help make this happen.