FoBL Newsletter - December 2021
Updated: Dec 12, 2021
“Be present in all things and thankful for all things.” — Maya Angelou

* What is the latest on the airport alternate entrance and estimated 20,000 cars flowing into North Dallas?
* How will lack of access to Bachman Lake Park be addressed?
* Where will parking be placed for the new regional amenities?
* Did we hear correctly that Northwest Highway will be 4 lanes?
* What spaghetti mess is being 'fixed'?
* What will happen to the new Frasier Dam Area and Hines Park given the new I-35 ramps?

We can finally say that construction for the schools destroyed by the 2019 tornado, is progressing steadily. Are you curious about the construction for the tornado-ravaged TJ High School campus and the new Walnut Hill Leadership Academy? What about the new Career Institute? Read this blog post for details!

Curious about these covered #DART signs? The DART network redesign is going into effect on January 24th, 2022. If a sign has been covered it means that the bus route is being shut down. The route closures are taking place in areas where ridership is low and in lieu of that, DART is shifting to on-demand ride share. We've been told that the smart phone app you will need to get service will be multi-lingual.
Read about how this affects your area.
DART has also posted a video about the changes:

There was a community input session on the Bachman Lake Skate Park on November 30th. It was not well attended. Kudos to the Parks Department for having a live translator and to Team Pain for the wonderful design presented. Still looking to the City of Dallas for information on parking, safe access to the DART station, safety measure and bathrooms....Watch the recording if you want more details!

The 122nd annual Christmas Bird Count is Saturday, December 18th for the Bachman Area! This event is coordinated by Audubon Dallas and is basically an all-day census of birds within a 15-mile diameter circle. The Dallas Count Circle has not changed since 1954 and is centered near the intersection of Inwood Rd and Cedar Springs.
Volunteers are needed for Bachman Lake (zone 12) and Frasier Dam (zone 7). You do not have to be an expert birder to help but some birding experience and binoculars are required. To obtain more information and volunteer, please contact Reba Collins ( or 972.742.0312)
As we close out 2021, we would like to send a big thanks to the @dallasparkrec department for starting our long awaited wildflower project in the Bachman Greenbelt. Scalping and seeding took place last month and now we wait two years for Mother Nature to do it's work. We also want to thank the new members of the Friends of Bachman Lake Board, who have jumped in and engaged to improve "The Green Corridor", from the Bachman Greenbelt all the way to the Frasier Dam. There is much to look forward to and to engage in come 2022!

Our monthly plogging event is every 2nd Saturday of the month

The community has spoken and asked for the Meet and Greet be moved to 5PM, we are not ones to get in the way of a cold beer! See you for our ‘meeting of the minds’ at Bluffview Growler on the 4th Wednesday of the month. No RSVP needed.
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